Water Stewardship

Our Goal: By 2025, 100% of our communities in high-stress areas will have measurably improved water availability and quality.

More than just a key ingredient in our beer, water is a critical resource for the economic, social and environmental well-being of our communities. We brew our beers at the highest level of water efficiency and we continually challenge ourselves to do even more by looking beyond our own operations and improving water access and quality for both our communities and our breweries.

Our Water Stewardship Initiatives

Itawa Springs

We took action to protect one of Ndola’s most important water sources, the Itawa Water Springs. Through a Multi-Stakeholder Governance approach we partnered with various stakeholders to address land degradation and potential water source depletion. The initiative achieved the construction of water access points, housing and relocation of encroaching communities and well as ecological restoration and legal protection of the site.


Commercial Boreholes Project: George Compound

In Partnership with Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company (LWSC)and Water and Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WASUP) we have provided for water access through commercial boreholes for the residents of George Compound in Lusaka.


Water Security Partnerships

Together with local authorities, other water users, and partners such as the Lusaka Water Security Initiative (LuWSI), the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) and The Kafue Joint Action Group (KFJAG), we continue to invest financial and technical resources into green infrastructure initiatives, conservation and reforestation projects, habitat restoration efforts, and improved water infrastructure.